Monday, 13 February 2017

The End is in Sight.

This Winter has been long and cold and now with the end in sight it still seems to be lingering. It is easy to think when you drive around town that especially on days like today the cold, snow,and ice is behind us. Unfortunately on course is a different matter. Below are some photos taken on Sunday the 12th of February. 

View from 1 across 9 to 10.

4 green still covered

8 green still covered

11 and much of the back 9 still almost entirely covered.

                                                         9 from tee to green is covered.

The temperatures are on our side and we are seeing improvements everyday. The front 9 will be first to open with Wednesday looking possible but we can still expect a few more days of closure on the back 9 due to the thick blanket of snow and minimal melting.

Keep and eye on the website and we'll see you all soon.

p.s Sydney is still out there everyday chasing those geese away who by now think they own the place.

Multi Mats Will be Back!

  After a successful implementation of the multi mat program this past winter we are excited to continue the program this coming off season....