Wednesday, 16 August 2017

A message from Sydney the Goose Dog


I know it has been a little while since my last message, but the geese haven't been around so I have been taking some time off to roll around in the long grass. It has been a little boring to be honest.

But I am sure you are all aware that "THEY" are back!! With this, I am back to full chasing mode and I will be out on the Front nine daily, travelling incognito and disguised as a golfer. I shall give chase directly from a golf cart in the hopes that the gooses think that all of you have dogs with you when you are golfing around the course.

I hope my progress will be visible and I will update you soon. I shall be on alert and doing my bestist.

Multi Mats Will be Back!

  After a successful implementation of the multi mat program this past winter we are excited to continue the program this coming off season....