A message from Sydney the goose dog.

Some of you may have noticed that despite my efforts, a couple of geese have been successful in rearing some goslings around Hole 8 and Hole 12 area. If you hit your ball near them, please approach with care as the parents can be quite aggressive. I am a trained professional and I know how to handle them, so if you see me chasing them down please don't try to copy me as it's dangerous and you can't run as fast as I can.
On another note, you
may have guessed that Olympic Views irrigation system has been pressured up and I would like to ask you keep an eye out for any unusually wet areas and let a member of our team know if you see one. As you can see in the video below geese aren't the only thing I like to chase and I will be along as soon as possible to show that leak who's boss.
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